Candidate for
Chui-San Teresa Chung
เทเรซ่า ชุง
(Ladda Thaiphiromsamakkee)
(ลัดดา ไทยภิรมย์สามัคคี)
Los Angeles
Western Region
Rotary Club of Thai Town
Statement of Interest
I am proud to have served as Secretary for the Board of Directors of Thai American Samakkee Coalition to help record the minutes of the meetings and support the President and in general, the Board, to the best of my ability. I have worked for and supported various organizations in diverse roles, and I believe that my experience will allow me to continue to contribute to the growth of the organization if I am elected for the position.
Since her university days at UCLA, Teresa has been very active as a community volunteer and leader. She has served as President of the Thai Association of Southern California, President of the Rotary Club of Thai Town, Treasurer and Board of Directors member of the Thai American Chamber of Commerce of California, Administrator of the Thai Community Arts and Cultural Center, and Vice President for Pacific Asia Museum’s Thai Arts Council. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics with a Computing Specialization from the University of California at Los Angeles and her Masters of Business Administration degree, with an emphasis on Management Information Systems, from Loyola Marymount University. Teresa is also a veteran database administrator and software developer at TPx Communications, one of the largest telecommunication companies in California.
In her volunteer work, Teresa has been an organizer of the annual Thai Cultural Day for over twenty years. She has also managed the Thai Cultural Stage at the Thai New Year Festival in Hollywood and coordinated and promoted Thai cultural events and performances throughout the greater Los Angeles area. She has also served on the Thai American Sheriff’s Advisory Council for the County of Los Angeles. Teresa has also been a mentor and advisor to the UCLA and UCI Thai clubs as well as youth within the Thai community in the Los Angeles area.